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TOEFL (Standardized Test Details & Procedures)

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) test is a widely recognized test of the English language around the world. It is used in more than 8000 colleges, universities and other institutions in over 130 countries as it is the most commonly accepted test to assess a student’s ability read, speak and write in English.

Depending on the centre, the TOEFL may be administered in the following ways:

TOEFL paper-based test (PBT)

Internet-based Test (iBT)

The cost of the test can range from $ 160 to $250 (576 to 900dhs) and can vary depending on the region.

About the test:

The test consists of four sections: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing:

Reading: This section comprises of 3-4 passages followed by questions based on the passages. Questions may also include completing tables or providing summaries.

Speaking: This section consists of two independent tasks and four integrated tasks. The former consist of opinion-based tasks where students have to express their ideas/opinions on familiar topics. Of the integrated tasks, the first two consist of tasks where students read a passage followed by listening to an academic lecture or a conversation. The test-taker then answers questions by referring to information in both the text and the talk. In the last two integrated tasks, students listen to a piece of academic lecture or conversation and answer questions based on what they have heard.

Listening: This section involves test-takers listening to six different passages which include student conversations and academic lectures. Students listen to the passages and answer questions based on them. Test-takers are allowed to take notes and may refer to them while answering the questions. The questions are aimed at measuring comprehension, relationships between ideas, organization of information, speaker purpose and speaker attitude.

Writing: This section effectively measures writing skills in an academic setting. It includes one integrated task and one independent task. In the former, the test-taker starts by reading a passage on an academic topic followed by listening to a speaker discuss the topic. The student will then have to summarise the points in the listening passage and explain how they relate to the key points in the reading passage.

The independent task involves the test-taker writing an essay that tests their ability to effectively express their ideas and opinions on an issue/topic.


The most commonly administered TOEFL iBT test has a score range of 0-30 for each section totalling to 120. The official score record will also include a performance feedback based on the type of tasks that students within that score range have the ability to do. The TOEFL test can be taken as many times as one desires and scores are valid for 2 years after the test.

Why take the TOEFL test?

Apart from being the most widely-accepted English language test in the world, it is also the most comprehensive test as it includes all aspects of using the English language in an academic setting. It is also easily accessible- the iBT version is offered 30-40 times a year at more than 4500 testing centres.